Stewardship Funds

Give to a specific GBLT property or area

Gifts to Stewardship Funds

Stewardship Funds have been created to ensure that the GBLT can continue to accept donations of land and that each property owned and managed  by the Georgian Bay Land Trust (GBLT) has adequate money available on an annual basis to ensure that stewardship needs are always met.

Our General Stewardship fund is dedicated to protecting all GBLT properties while each of the specified funds below focuses on particular areas and communities.

These funds are intended to generate enough interest or gain to support stewardship costs for properties owned or managed by the GBLT. Long-term growth of the capital is an objective, allowing the funds to continue to grow with and without new donations.

In addition each fund supports educating our communities about non-impactive use of land.

These funds are endowed, the capital is protected with earnings from investment used to cover annual expenses. The goals for stewardship funds are created based on an estimated average annual expense for the relevant properties covered by the fund and under the expectation of 3.5% annual earnings generated from the capital.

Click below for more information about individual stewardship funds including the geographic scope of the Fund.

General Stewardship Fund
Andy Griggs Memorial Fund – Pointe au Baril
Douglas and Marylon Alexander Stewardship Fund – Wah Wah Taysee
Watson Stewardship Fund – Honey Harbour/Cogashene/Go Home Bay
David & Beverly Stager Stewardship Fund – Sandy and Martyr Islands