Tadenac Coastal Lots

Status: Access by permission

This is designated a restricted use property. Please contact the GBLT for visiting details.

 66 acres (27 hectares)
Location: Wah Wah Taysee
Year Acquired: 2013


Shannon Beddoe – Lead Steward

Property Info

Located at the south end of the massive Tadenac Club lands in Wah Wah Taysee, the Tadenac Coastal Lots contribute to a larger contiguous parcel of land protected by the GBLT; they form a connection between the Holton Reserve and Harris Easement. The three Lots include a diversity of coastal and interior wetlands as well as the typical Georgian Bay upland complex of acidic rock barren and White Pine – Red Oak – Red Maple forest. The northern section of the Lots contains a globally rare vegetation community, Atlantic Coastal Plain Meadow Marsh, which provides habitat for the provincially rare species, Carolina Yellow-eyed Grass.