Thompson Portage Island Reserve

Status: Access by permission

This is designated a restricted use property. Please contact the GBLT for visiting details.

Size: 5.5 acres (2.2 hectares)
Location: Cognashene
Year Acquired: 2017


Ian Davis
Laura Hilliard
Jason Lefaive

Property Info

Cognashene’s turtles, fish, birds and more have a permanent place to call home at the Thompson Portage Island Reserve. Donated to the Georgian Bay Land Trust by Rob and Val Thompson, this 5 acre property contains a variety of key habitats for local species.

A long shoreline on a sheltered bay means this property is home to high quality wetlands where at-risk species like the Northern Map Turtle thrive. Mixed deciduous and coniferous forest and shrubbed rock barrens round out the property, allowing many species to easily travel between the different habitat types they need throughout their life cycle.

The Thompson Portage Island Reserve is especially ecologically valuable due to its proximity to the Cognashene Lake Conservation Reserve and a portion of Georgian Bay Islands National Park. These linkages are important for establishing natural corridors that allow species to migrate, adapt to changing climatic conditions, and survive in a dynamic environment.

Thank you to Rob and Val Thompson for your generosity and your contribution to a healthy Cognashene!