McLaughlin Islands

Status: Access by permission

This is designated a restricted use property. Please contact the GBLT for visiting details.

 2.3 acres (1 hectare)
Location: Sans Souci
Year Acquired: 2008


John Eakin – Lead Steward
Dougal Macdonald

Property Info

The McLaughlin Islands, two largely open islands with limited vegetation, are located in the heart of Sans Souci. Several thickets are present, usually including a small patch of stunted Eastern White Cedar with Choke Cherry and Lowbush Blueberry. Closer to the shoreline, species characteristic of wetlands are common such as Eastern Ninebark, Meadowsweet, and Grass-leaved Goldenrod. The majority of both islands include scattered shrub and herbaceous cover, largely limited to crevices and depressions where soil has accumulated. Several small perched ponds are scattered throughout, which will often dry up in late summer and fall when the water levels typically drop.