Crane Lake Reserve

Status: Open

This property is open for the public to enjoy and appreciate. Before visiting, please review the GBLT Visitor Guidelines for maintaining the environmental integrity of the property.

 1 acre
Location: Crane Lake
Year Acquired: 2016


Kevin Lockhart

Property Info

The Crane Lake Reserve is a 1 acre property on the north shore of Crane Lake. The property includes sugar maple and eastern hemlock forests, as well as a small representation of eastern cedar and red oak. One of the Georgian Bay Land Trust’s few inland properties, the Crane Lake Reserve boasts more extensive soil development than is common on coastal Georgian Bay. The property’s shoreline consists of an interior wetland, and represents an important link to the mouth of a very significant wetland. Protection by the Georgian Bay Land Trust prevents development on this land, which would severely impact the ability of species to access the high-quality wetland adjacent to the reserve.