Property Reporting Name* Date of Visit MM slash DD slash YYYY Time of Visit : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Email Please provide your email if you would like to receive a copy of your Property ReportProperty Name*Alexander IslandsCampbell-Hotham IslandCrane Lake ReserveDattels ReserveFairies Dancing ReserveFriend IslandGiant's Tomb ReserveGrant Moose Bay ReserveGull & Gilead IslandsHamilton IslandHolton ReserveIngersoll IslandJean G. Northey Conservation Reserve (Longuissa Bay)Kenerick ReserveKofman Moose Bay ReserveLaura Bay ReserveLittle McCoyLoudon IslandMacCallum ReserveManitou Dock IslandMartin Reach ReserveMcGregor Bay - La Cloche MountainsMcLaughlin IslandsOldfield Lake ReservePontiac Islands ReservePort Severn WetlandsPortage Island ReservePrice IslandRattlesnake IslandRogers ReserveRose Island Nature ReserveRussell Reserve Lord's BayRussell Reserve Port SevernSandy IslandSans Souci Hotel ReserveSouth-East Wooded PineSt. Davids IslandSteamboat Channel ReserveTadenac Coastal LotsThe LizardThomson ReserveUmbrella IslandWabeno PointWest Lookout Island ReserveVisitor UseNumber of Visitors*Number of GroupsNumber of BoatsNumber of Canoes/KayaksVisitor ActivitiesWas there an incident on the property? (camping, fires, motorized vehicles, etc.)* Yes No Incidents (Check all that apply) Camping Fire Motorized Vehicle Use (non Boat) Other (see below) Describe OtherRare Species Spotted?* Yes No If Yes, Please Click/Tap Here to fill out a Species at Risk reportInvasive Species Spotted?* Yes No Please check which: Sedum acre Field bindweed (Convulvulus arvensis) Chives (Allium schoenprasm) Phragmites australis Invasie Species Image Reference Sedum acre Field bindweed (Convulvulus arvensis) Chives (Allium schoenprasm) Phragmites australis Please provide details. Was removal attempted?General Comments and ObservationsImage UploadsUse this area to upload appropriate images of rare species, invasive species, or activities encountered/observed. (Up to 6 images)Image upload #1Max. file size: 128 MB.Image upload #2Max. file size: 128 MB.Image upload #3Max. file size: 128 MB.Image upload #4Max. file size: 128 MB.Image upload #5Max. file size: 128 MB.Image upload #6Max. file size: 128 MB.