Welcome Janet Brough Tinsley, Senior Development Officer
Posted on April 12, 2017
The Georgian Bay Land Trust is delighted to welcome Janet Brough Tinsley as our new Senior Development Officer.
Janet has been summering in Wah Wah Taysee all her life with family roots in the area dating back over 80 years. Many of you may already know Janet – those who don’t, be sure to say hello when you see her on the bay this summer!
Janet is passionate about sharing the beauty of the bay while preserving and protecting it for future generations. She has had a long and rewarding career in marketing and advertising with a number of well-known Canadian and Global companies. Janet’s strength in strategy and communicating will be a real asset to the GBLT, as will her ability to make friends wherever she travels.
Welcome aboard, Janet!
Janet can be reached at janet.tinsley@gblt.org if you’d like to say hello.