King Family Bursary Winner: Amelia Stea MacLaurin

Posted on April 29, 2024

We’re delighted to announce the 2024 winner of the King Family Bursary, Amelia Stea MacLaurin. Congratulations Amelia!

Amelia Stea MacLaurin is a Toronto based artist. Her background is in environmental design and she currently works in community arts. Her work is focused on the intersection of community, honest documentation, and archivism. Amelia works primarily in paint and photography, and is a collector of images, shooting with both film and digital photography. As an avid camper and canoer, she has spent a lot of time over the last dozen years tripping along the Georgian Bay and surrounding areas.


Amelia will spend the next year visiting, painting, and photographing the waterways of Georgian Bay and creating a Waterways Zine: sharing the exploration of four seasons of Georgian Bay Waters. She will produce a documentation of paintings, photographs, and drawings woven into a physical, shareable, and tangible record of her time on the water. This zine will be a time-capsule project, studying the waterways, wetlands, and tributaries through visual mediums over the course of twelve months. It will exist in both digitally accessible content and as a run of limited edition physical copies.

This project would not be possible without the support of the King Family Bursary: thank you so much to Wally and Marilyn.

See more of Amelia’s work at or on Instagram @steamac.