Donate Now

You can help to protect Georgian Bay wilderness in seconds. Make an online donation to the Georgian Bay Land Trust now.

Giving online

You can donate online in preselected amounts or any amount you determine using the form below.

This form can also be used for gifts in Memory or in Honour of a friend or family member.

To give by cheque

Please send your cheque to: Georgian Bay Land Trust, 120 Eglinton Ave. E., Suite 1000, Toronto, ON M4P 1E2, or contact Suzanne Legault of the GBLT by email or phone at (416) 440-1519 x 107

US Donors

Please contact Mindy Tabor via email or by phone at (440) 376-8644 or download the GLBC pledge form.

Other Donation Types

For gifts of Stocks and Securities, click here

Planned Gifts, click here

Specialized Fund donations, click here

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If you would like to make your donation in Memory or Honour of a friend or family member, please enter their name(s) here.

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