Conservation Quest Activities
Bonus: Special Presentations
Did you miss our zoom presentations on turtles and Monarch butterflies? Watch them on YouTube at the links below:
Georgian Bay’s Turtles with Dr. Pat Chow-Fraser – Click here
Monarch Butterflies with Jessica Linton & Ryan Norris – Click here
Monday August 31st:
It’s the final week of Conservation Quest! Thank you so much for joining us this summer. We hope you had fun exploring the natural world around you!
Our final activity is an underwater scavenger hunt. Put on a bathing suit and some goggles and see how many things you can find! Open the activity sheet here.
Monday August 24th:
This week, we’re practicing conservation planning. Pretend you’re in charge of building new roads and houses, and decide where to put them so that animals can still access everything they need to survive.
Open the activity sheet here.
Monday August 17th:
Are you seeing lots of butterflies around these days? You can help butterflies like Monarchs find something to eat, and improve your chances of observing them up close, by building a butterfly feeder. Follow the instructions on the activity sheet here.
Monday August 10th:
Night Walk Activity Sheet Have you ever wondered what lurks outside your home or cottage at night? Now is your chance to find out! This week we challenge you to do a nature walk at night. The Georgian Bay area is teeming with nightlife, so enjoy exploring and let us know what you discover!
Open the activity sheet here.
Monday August 3rd:
Do you know where Georgian Bay’s animals go in the winter? Some stay nearby, some fly thousands of kilometres away, and others go somewhere in between.
This week, learn about some migration stories, and do your own research on the animals you see outside. Open the activity sheet here.
Don’t forget to send us your findings from the week for a chance to be featured on the Conservation Quest blog!
Answers to this week’s activity can be found here.
Monday July 27th:
Invasive plant species have infiltrated Georgian Bay! This week, see how many of these suspects you can find outside, and help us battle this threat to our local ecosystems.
Open the activity sheet here.
Let us know which intruders you encounter at, and we’ll put your findings up on the Conservation Quest blog.
Monday, July 20th:
One of the easiest ways to observe birds close-up is to set up a bird feeder. In this week’s activity, we’ll make a simple feeder out of materials that you probably have around the house. Put it outside and see how many birds you can observe!
Click here to open the activity sheet.
If you observe any cool birds at your feeder or get some pictures, let us know at We’ll put your results up on the Conservation Quest blog.
Monday, July 13th:
This week we’re going on a Scavenger Hunt! How many different things can you find in nature?
Click here to open the activity sheet and keep track of what you see.
We’d love to see your pictures or final tally of the items you find. Send them in to and you may even be featured on the Conservation Quest blog!
Monday, July 6th:
This week, we’re exploring bird song. Did you know that every kind of bird has a different song or call?
In this week’s activity you’ll listen to the songs of some of Georgian Bay’s birds, and learn how scientists visualize the songs on paper. Then, you’ll put your skills to the test by seeing how many of these birds you can hear and see outside this week.
Click here to open the activity sheet, which you may want to print so you can write on it. You will also need to listen to recorded bird songs to follow the activity, which you can find here.
Don’t forget to send your results and pictures in to to be featured on the weekly Conservation Quest Blog.
Answers to this week’s activity can be found here.
Monday, June 29th:
Welcome to Week One of Conservation Quest!
This week, we are going to make a Nature Journal. You will use this journal throughout the summer to record your observations during the weekly activities. You can also add your own thoughts, drawings, and observations to the journal whenever you like over the summer.
If you’d like to make your own nature journal using paper, cardboard, and a needle and thread, view the instructions here. Another option is to buy a journal from the store.
In either case, personalize your journal by decorating the front cover. You can write your name, draw or paint some of your favourite things from nature, or go exploring outside and find some materials to make a nature collage.
Once you’ve decorated it, start your journal off with an entry! Here are some ideas of things you can do:
Write down what you can observe with your five senses. What does it feel like outside today? What can you hear, see, and smell? Is there anything you can safely taste?
- Make a drawing of something you find outside
- Write down your favourite things about nature
- Or anything else you can think of!
Send a picture of your journal to and we will feature your designs on the Conservation Quest blog.
Have a great week in nature!