Portage Preserve
This is designated a restricted use property. Please contact the GBLT for visiting details. Property Info The Portage Preserve protects 2.76 acres of forest, rock, and shoreline habitat on Cognashene’s Portage Island. On our visits to the property so far, we have seen four species at risk: Bald Eagle, Northern Map Turtle, Monarch Butterfly, and Eastern Foxsnake. It is likely that more will be observed on future visits. The northern part of the Portage Preserve shoreline is designated as Type 1 Fish Habitat, so protecting this property will contribute to the long-term abundance of Georgian Bay’s fish populations. Portage Island…
This entry was posted on .Wabeno Point
This is designated a restricted use property. Please contact the GBLT for visiting details. Property Info The Wabeno Point – Burnt Island is made up of 5 separate lots, one of which has been identified from the Eastern Georgian Bay Natural Area Conservation Plan as a priority 3 parcel. It includes a combination of upland forest-barren rock barrens with both interior and coastal wetlands. This assemblage of high quality, low disturbance communities provides ideal habitat for a number of Georgian Bay’s reptile species. Species that have been observed from the property include Eastern Hog-nosed, Eastern Foxsnake, Eastern Massasauga and Five-lined…
This entry was posted on .Tadenac Coastal Lots
This is designated a restricted use property. Please contact the GBLT for visiting details. Property Info Located at the south end of the massive Tadenac Club lands in Wah Wah Taysee, the Tadenac Coastal Lots contribute to a larger contiguous parcel of land protected by the GBLT; they form a connection between the Holton Reserve and Harris Easement. The three Lots include a diversity of coastal and interior wetlands as well as the typical Georgian Bay upland complex of acidic rock barren and White Pine – Red Oak – Red Maple forest. The northern section of the Lots contains a globally…
This entry was posted on .St. Davids Island
This is designated a restricted use property. Please contact the GBLT for visiting details. Property Info St. Davids is a beautiful 13.4 acre island at the southwestern end of Shawanaga Inlet in Pointe au Baril. Due to its generous size and the presence of both rock barren and coastal meadow marsh vegetation communities, St. Davids likely provides habitat for rare reptile species known from the area. St. Davids is located such that it is part of the barrier sheltering southern Shawanaga from open Georgian Bay, and as a result has classic and rugged windswept terrain on its windward side, becoming…
This entry was posted on .Sans Souci Hotel Reserve
This is designated a restricted use property. Please contact the GBLT for visiting details. Property Info The Sans Souci Hotel Reserve represents one of the culturally significant properties owned by the Georgian Bay Land Trust. This 8.4 acre property is found in the heart of the Sans Souci community and served as the site of the Sans Souci Hotel, featured in the book “Island Odyssey”. The hotel remained on the property until the 1920s and remnants of the structure are still present on the site. The remainder of the property is a mix of shrubbed rock barren and lowland White…
This entry was posted on .Steamboat Channel Reserve
This is designated a restricted use property. Please contact the GBLT for visiting details. Property Info The Steamboat Channel Reserve is a 35 acre northern section of Pointe au Baril’s Mackenzie Island, which borders the southern shore of Old Steamboat Channel. The property is both highly ecologically significant and historically treasured by the Pointe au Baril community. One of Georgian Bay’s few remaining pockets of old growth white pine forest is found here, a rare occurrence as the coast was so extensively logged over the last two centuries. The property is also a documented home to several Species-at-Risk, including Eastern foxsnake and…
This entry was posted on .Russell Reserve Port Severn
This is designated a restricted use property. Please contact the GBLT for visiting details. Property Info The Russell Reserve is located within the Port Severn Wetlands Natural Area. The area is located in the transition area, often referred to as the “contact zone”, between the Precambrian bedrock that defines the Canadian Shield and the Paleozoic bedrock that characterizes southern Ontario. This creates an interesting assemblage of species at the edges of their southern and northern ranges, creating an area with high biodiversity in vegetation community types, flora and fauna. The region has no existing protection and is almost entirely privately…
This entry was posted on .Russell Reserve Lord’s Bay
This is designated a restricted use property. Please contact the GBLT for visiting details. Property Info Russell Reserve Lord’s Bay is just outside the traditional GBLT catchment area in Severn Township. It is however representative of the area, and includes extensive shallow and coastal wetlands. The entire Lord’s Bay is a large shallow marsh with submerged and floating aquatic vegetation, providing ideal habitat for turtles and fish, including feeding and spawning grounds. The islands include areas of cattail marsh and/or Sweet Gale thicket shore wetlands, with the interior dominated exclusively by Sugar Maple-Oak deciduous forest, a community that is rarely…
This entry was posted on .Rogers Reserve
This is designated a restricted use property. Please contact the GBLT for visiting details. Property Info The Rogers Reserve is located in the Shawanaga Inlet Natural Area which includes islands and mainland from the southern end of the Pointe au Baril community up to the main channel that forms the northern extent of the community. Although small, the Rogers island has extensive coastal wetlands that in low water connect it to the adjacent islands to both the west and the east. It’s these wetlands that marked the Rogers property as a target for protection. Rogers is adjacent to two areas…
This entry was posted on .Rattlesnake Island
This is designated a restricted use property. Please contact the GBLT for visiting details. Property Info Rattlesnake Island is located in the northwestern part of the Pointe au Baril natural area. Rattlesnake was the first ever Ecogift-approved land donation from a group of combined American and Canadian citizenship. Due to its generous size and the presence of both rock barren and coastal meadow marsh vegetation communities, Rattlesnake Island provides habitat for Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake, and it likely provides habitat for other rare species known from the area, particularly Eastern foxsnake; the area is identified as having a high concentration of…
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